Please note that the originals of all Annexes along with additional guidance and the Essential Updates can be found on the National Lottery Community Fund website by clicking here.
Forms and Templates
Initial Assessment and Entry Survey – V7Progress Review and Survey – V5Exit Form and Survey – V4Participant Weekly Contact Sheet – V1Case Study and Consent Form Template (ESF Annex 1) – V1Contract Variation Request Form – V5Business Case – Access Fund – V3A note on Timesheets:
There are two options for completing timesheets:
1. Record the total number of hours worked which are not part of the project in a box (I13) at the top of the timesheet (2019 Timesheet V.2)
2. Record the total number of hours worked which are not part of the project by entering hours in the timesheet using the “Other” work type category and the timesheet will calculate the (2019 Timesheet V.3)
Option 2 is the National Lottery Community Fund’s preferred option but we will accept either of these timesheets.