
The West of England Works Project is delivered by a network of Anchor Partners who are responsible for coordinating the support that each participant receives from initial engagement to ultimate progression. Each Anchor Partner is responsible for either a specific geographic area or a specific category of participant and may draw upon the experience of additional specialist partners to design and deliver a truly individualized programme of support. The geographic and thematic anchor partners are detailed below:

Barton Hill Settlement logo

Wellspring Settlement (Barton Hill)

The Barton Hill Settlement is an independent charity managed by a committee of mainly local people, and provides a wide variety of services. It was originally set up in 1911 as part of the University of Bristol, but is now independent providing support to the long-term unemployed.

GEOGRAPHIC anchor partners

Creative Youth Network Logo

Creative Youth Network

Creative Youth Network is a charity which builds relationships with young people from all backgrounds across the South West to help them reach their own potential and live fulfilling lives. They offer social and emotional support, opportunities for creative expression, professional training and support, and access to alternative education.

THEMATIC anchor partners

Carers support centre logo

Carers Support Centre – Bristol and South Gloucestershire

Carers Support Centre is a charity dedicated to improving the quality of life of carers in Bristol and South Gloucestershire by providing practical and emotional support. For Carers aged 16+ in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BANES and North Somerset they offer one-to-one holistic assessment, developing a personalised support programme.

THEMATIC anchor partners

Broadway Lodge Limited logo

Broadway Lodge Limited

Broadway Lodge are a leading residential abstinence-based treatment centre providing services for people struggling with addiction. They offer individual counselling, advice and information regarding addiction, and community-based recovery support programmes and aftercare to help people get their lives back on track.

THEMATIC anchor partners

Team North Somerset, logo

Team North Somerset

Team North Somerset is a unique and pioneering partnership of several high-profile organisations in North Somerset, including Weston College, North Somerset Council and Alliance Homes. It aims to support the most disadvantaged people in our community in securing sustainable employment through one-to-one support from an experienced job coach.

GEOGRAPHIC anchor partners


Releasing New Potential

Releasing New Potential offer one-to-one holistic support to unemployed people who have a criminal record or are at risk of offending. The aim of the project is to improve employability, training and job searching prospects by offering dedicated one-one support and review sessions by a dedicated caseworker.

THEMATIC anchor partners

west of England works on scrabble board

Team South Bristol

Team South Bristol is our dedicated centre for all employment and education support needs for those living in the south of the city. Three West of England Works partners are based in the hub providing a full range of services to the local community.

GEOGRAPHIC anchor partners


Southmead Development Trust Limited

Southmead Development Trust are a Bristol-based charity working to support the local community, managing projects in partnership with other community groups. They are also responsible for Southmead Youth Centre, which offers a daily programme for young people in Southmead, and leads the Southmead Youth Engagement Project.

GEOGRAPHIC anchor partners